Heritage Homes & Local History

Late last year Lousje & her partner, Glenn, embarked on an exciting new project. They purchased a heritage home in the centre of St. Catharines - they have BIG plans to fix it up and fill it with life and love once again.
Now that the house has been cleaned out and brought back to its bare bones, plans for the new home are starting to take shape. Restoring a home built almost 200 years ago requires a keen eye for bringing out the beauty of its history while making modern improvements - Lousje & Glenn hope to strike that balance.
To leave their mark on their new home while honouring it's past, the pair have done some digging into the house's life since being built in 1834. Lousje visited the St. Catharine's Public Library, which keeps a detailed record of historic streets and homes in the area. She found details of the residents who owned homes and businesses operated in the neighbourhood throughout history - even finding that a few former mayors lived nearby.
The home will take shape over the next six months and we will update you every step of the way. Tune into our Behind the Seams YouTube channel next weekend for a full tour by Lousje detailing their plans.