Canals, Bridges & Brews 🍻

As promised, here is part four of Lousje's wondering wanderings around the Netherlands.
Midway through her trip to the Netherlands Lousje and Glenn joined Lousje's old friend Femke on her tuf tuf boat. Fun fact, Femke once lived with Lousje in Canada. Femke picked Glenn and her up on her boat on a gorgeous sunny day and took them down small canals and under bridges. The scenery was simply amazing, especially when touring through town in such a unique way. The tour then continued on land in Femke's "hippy" van.
While exploring Lousje and Glenn stumbled upon many churches that have been converted into art galleries and other cultural and social hubs. They stopped into one that was converted into an amazing microbrewery for a rest and a sip.
Lousje can be spotted wearing her go-to L&B tank dress, a vintage Grizas silk/linen jacket, her beloved Karen Gunna slouch belt, Grizas silk/linen lantern pants, and of course, a Love's Pure Light Scarf.